Comments on: Travel Resources A couple's travel blog | Working to support our habit Sun, 30 Oct 2022 02:09:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kaspars Tue, 03 Aug 2021 14:09:51 +0000 In reply to Kaspars.

@Lance Longwell, true. With some airlines it takes forever, with some, like Ryanair – often you get nothing, if we believe passenger reviews, but it’s still worth making a claim. Because, if we, passengers, don’t ask for this money, it won’t improve itself.

By: Lance Longwell Fri, 30 Jul 2021 15:24:49 +0000 In reply to Kaspars.

There’s the law and then there’s the reality. We were protected under EU261 and then had to spend 2 years battling Vueling to honor its obligations under the law. EU261 is great in principle, but lacks ‘teeth’ and is largely up to companies if they want to follow it. It’s good for travelers to know, but they should moderate their expectations in terms of dispute resolution.

By: Kaspars Fri, 30 Jul 2021 08:32:01 +0000 One more site worth adding is the EU261 regulation. According to this regulation, in the EU we — passengers – are protected. That includes also travelers from other countries and continents. If flight gets delayed or cancelled, airlines often have to pay compensation or take care of passengers. For example, if KLM cancels a flight, it has to take care of its passengers by providing free food and accommodation in some cases.
